Park Ranger Handbook: How Not to Instill a Sense of Security
Park Ranger Handbook Rule #25
When your patrol beat is in a National forest at a remote campground the best way to make sure campers feel uneasy and scared is not to ask them "How are you doing on this fine evening?" but instead to approach them with this question:
"Has anyone bothered you tonight?"
I suppose the answer can be any of the following:
No sir, however a roving band of hooligans were making real loud noises and jamming their boom boxes at full blast two campsites over.
No, no one has bothered us, oh, except for the 8 foot tall half-man half-skunk ape that is taking a nap in our tent.
Not at all, unless you count the serial murderer dressed in a hockey mask that went running past our camp site holding a large scythe covered in blood followed by the leatherfaced man carrying a chainsaw.
When your patrol beat is in a National forest at a remote campground the best way to make sure campers feel uneasy and scared is not to ask them "How are you doing on this fine evening?" but instead to approach them with this question:
"Has anyone bothered you tonight?"
I suppose the answer can be any of the following:
No sir, however a roving band of hooligans were making real loud noises and jamming their boom boxes at full blast two campsites over.
No, no one has bothered us, oh, except for the 8 foot tall half-man half-skunk ape that is taking a nap in our tent.
Not at all, unless you count the serial murderer dressed in a hockey mask that went running past our camp site holding a large scythe covered in blood followed by the leatherfaced man carrying a chainsaw.
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