Wildflower Seed in the Sand and Wind

My eyes-Help them to Look as well as to See

Location: The Triangle, North Carolina, United States

I try to keep an open heart & open mind.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Should I Be Worried?

Today's post will be brought to you today by the letter W.

And no, I don't mean to sound like it was influenced in the least by the current commander in chief- who I believe is really a marionette named Punch. Poor, poor Judy. That would be us-the American people. I've got to get a jab in any chance I get.

Seriously though, the "W" actually refers to Worry Wart for the purposes of this post. And since I was an English major I just had to find the etymology of this term. It's first recorded use was in 1956 from a character in a the comic strip "Out of the Way" by cartoonist J. R.Williams according to The Online Etymology Dictionary-what would we do without you Google??? (sidenote: someone has got to teach me how to post proper links in this blog) The character evidently caused others to worry, however it's more common use is to describe one who worries too much themselves.

Maybe there is a genetic link to worrying because many members of my family are afflicted with this disorder. My Dad was a big worrier, and so is my Mom, and my sister, and me and probably my brother too.

Anyway, there have been a couple of things bothering me so I thought I would share.

Should I be worried....

•about the small pimple-like bump that has been on my shin for about 8 years?

•that my 7 year old daughter's favorite TV shows are "How I Met Your Mother" and "America's Next Top Model"?

•that my credit card is maxed out and charges an astronomical interest rate on the balance that never seems to diminish despite hefty payments each month?

•about the small crack in my living room ceiling?

•that I spend about 50% of my work day on-line engaging in activity that is not work-related?

•about my strenuous and demanding TV watching regiment and the bag of Cadbury mini eggs I devoured while watching?

•that my hard water is turning all my white laundry into a reddish brown color?

•that my 20 year high school reunion will be next year?

•that my gray hairs are becoming more and more noticable?

•that they say beef stays in your colon for 7 years?

•that I have not prepared my last will and testament?

•about global warming, even though it doesn't really exist?

•that I don't have retirement account, a college savings account for my daughter, or enough life insurance?

•that our government can spy on us?

Finally, should I worried that I'm actually not that worried, at least right now, despite the aforementioned scenarios?

Probably, but I would rather the worrying manifest itself in the form of an ulcer. Then I would have something to worry about.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a reporter doing a story on the struggle people can be put through when adopting a pet. I saw your hilarious post about your friend's troubles, and the moral tough spot it put you in. I would like to speak to you -- and your friend, El -- about the process.
I'm working on this story this weekend and would be grateful if you could contact me at


Anna Bahney

2:21 PM  
Blogger amyd said...

will it count as my 15 minutes? the clock is ticking......

11:29 AM  

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