Wildflower Seed in the Sand and Wind

My eyes-Help them to Look as well as to See

Location: The Triangle, North Carolina, United States

I try to keep an open heart & open mind.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Tooth and Justice

Do you remember the Tooth Fairy? What did she leave you under the pillow?

Tooth Fairy visits seemed so seamless to my parents. But, let me tell you that although it seems like an easy task, carrying out the Tooth Fairy duties and responsibilites can be extremely problematic for parents. Like the time that Dad Tooth Fairy and Mom Tooth Fairy encountered miscommunication and as a result both Tooth Fairies visited and unexpectedly left two one dollar bills. I also once read a hilarious anecdote on the blog Tales from My Tiny Kingdom regarding the challenges of Tooth Fairiness. (I apologize for my ineptitude in posting the proper link, I'm still learning this thing). Anyway, my daughter still believes in the Tooth Fairy. And fortunately, that belief has not been shaken during the recent events of this week.

My daughter lost one of her teeth on the playground at school on Tuesday. The tooth has actually been loose for quite some time, but stubbornly wouldn't break free. Evidently, another kid elbowed my daughter in the mouth accidently resulting in the loss of the tooth. Now, before I go on she was not injured by said elbow, however the problem was that she could not find the tooth on the playground. She came home explaining the situation to her father and me. Usually I would have expected high drama as my daughter is prone to succumb to when faced with life stresses. But this time she had it all figured out. She was going to leave a note for the Tooth Fairy. It read like this:

hey! toothfariy
I lost my
tooth but I
can't find It
so can you
give me money
anyway because
It's not fair
that oter kid
get money I don't

Leave it to my daugher to negotiate in this manner with the Tooth Fairy.

The plot thickens, because the "Tooth Fairy" forgot to visit on Tuesday night. My daughter was slightly upset the next morning when her Tooth Fairy note was still tucked under the pillow with, most importantly, no money left in exchange for the lost tooth. Thinking quick on my feet, I explained that perhaps, because the actual tooth wasn't under the pillow, the Tooth Fairy got confused and didn't come. I told her that maybe I could have a talk with the Tooth Fairy to make sure that she knew the circumstances and maybe she would visit the next night. She was amazed that I could actually talk to the Tooth Fairy. Yeah, I do have some connections. So I assured her I would make sure that the Tooth Fairy came the next night.

It gets better because, well, the Tooth Fairy forgot again-I know, I know there is no excuse for literally falling asleep on the job. Fortunately though my daughter forgot too-surprisingly. This kid has the best memory. She can remember all sorts of details and tells my Mom how to get around town while driving because she remembers the way. She aces her spelling tests all the time thanks to that photographic memory. Well, it wasn't until we were driving home from the dentist yesterday that I remembered that the Tooth Fairy once again dropped the ball. This is also complicated by the fact that my daughter had to have a tooth pulled that had absessed. Her teeth are just prone to cavities, because I know all those Laffy Taffy's and Chewy Sweetarts have nothing to do with that. The dentist gave her the tooth in a small orange plastic treasure chest to take home for the Tooth Fairy. Would she make an appearance this time?

So on the way home I call my husband and in parent code talk I advise him to fulfill the Tooth Fairy duties. The conversation went something like this because someone was in the backseat and has very big ears:

Me: You know what we were talking about yesterday?
Husband: Huh?
Me: You know....pillow
Husband: Huh?
Me: You know, the thing we forgot. Dollar?

Fortunately my husband's quick wit finally kicked in and he was on the job in no time flash planting the dollar bill in place of the Tooth Fairy note. So, when we got home my daughter finally remembered to look and was pleasantly surprised with the dollar bill. Also she was quite happy with the prospect that she would be visited by the Tooth Fairy again-twice in the same week! Cha-ching!

It wouldn't go so smoothly, though. And actually I have a bone to pick with a particular parent out there. I think it's absolutely necessary that parents get on the same page with what the Tooth Fairy leaves under the pillow so as not to blow the Tooth Fairy's cover. There should be an official parental agreement that states the Tooth Fairy will only leave money and not obscure gifts under the pillow. The reason being is that my daughter, knowing of the success of previously corresponding with the Tooth Fairy, leaves the Tooth Fairy another note along with her treasure chest and tooth:

toothfariy do you
now how you gave
Libby that barbie
wacth well plese
can you give me
one instead
of money.

And then she drew a cute picture of the Tooth Fairy with wings and a dress and two Princess Leia buns on the side of her head.

I tried to prepare her that maybe the Tooth Fairy wouldn't be able to leave that, but we could wait and see. Damn! I can't run out at 9:00 pm and get a Barbie watch just like the one Libby got. Needless to say this morning there was slight disappointment with the dollar bill left under the pillow. At least she made an appearance last night. Luckily, though, my daughter didn't let that get her down. She was upbeat and cheerful and surmised that maybe the Tooth Fairy didn't understand her note because she probably speaks Tooth language. She's such a little Reasoner.

I told her that it's possible the Tooth Fairy understood her note, but..... Think quick! I told her that it could be that the Tooth Fairy for our family leaves money and not watches. In fact when I was growing up I always got money from the Tooth Fairy. I used to get $1 for my teeth, but my friend down the street only got a quarter. So that goes to show you that the Tooth Fairy leaves kids gifts based on their family situation. It's never too early for a lesson in economics and socioeconomic class structures. I was pulling it out of thin air, I admit, but it seemed to work.

So, as far as I know the Tooth Fairy's cover is safe in our household. Her existence is still intact. Until the next time, perhaps.

I just need to know how many more teeth does she have left to lose and how long does the Tooth Fairy have to hold it together?


Blogger Original Me said...

Such a cute story!

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. The toothfairy forgot to come to our house last night, and my daughter and I were equally horrified. What could have happened?
I came online to see if I'm the only person who has ever dropped this particular ball, and I'm relieved to find that I am not.

Thank you!

9:18 AM  

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