Wildflower Seed in the Sand and Wind

My eyes-Help them to Look as well as to See

Location: The Triangle, North Carolina, United States

I try to keep an open heart & open mind.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Absence and the Fondness of Heart

Long time, no post.

When I first started this thing I wondered how I would continue to find inspiration to blog. At first the ideas rolled in and I actually started looking at life specifically for blog material. Then there were those days where the blog muse-she just didn't visit me. And then there are other times when I just couldn't find the time to get anything down.

So after a two week hiatus, I have to admit that the time factor, and not necessarily the inspiration factor, is what has been preventing me from blogging regularly. I have had some ideas of things to blog about, but if I don't get them down when the occur to me they are forever lost in the "Land of What Might Have Been." And because I kid around a lot and because I never, ever want to take myself too seriously, I don't for one moment worry that readers have been going through withdrawals from lack of new material. I know how I get disappointed when I visit my favorite blogs only to find that there has not been a new post. But since I'm not of that caliber, the disappointment rests solely on me and my need to see it through- if only for my own sake.

So I could blog about "What My Brother Would Look Like if He Played Lead Guitar in a Local Jazz Fusion Band." Has this sort of thing ever happened to you? You catch a glimpse of someone who resembles someone you know. You do a double take and usually notice that the person doesn't really look like that person after all. Maybe it was the angle or maybe your eyes were just playing tricks on you. I swear though that this guitar player looked SO much like my brother- right down to the hairline, eyebrows, eyes and nose. And if you knew my brother, being a guitar player in a jazz fusion band is the most unlikely of occurrences. However, he could be leading a secret life that we don't know about.

I could also blog about "Birthdays" as my husband celebrated his recently along with the loudmouth at the Outback bar and coincidentally the look alike brother/guitar player too. Why is it that some people command attention and want to include all restaurant patrons in their conversation?

Or maybe about "Loss"- as good friends of ours suffered a miscarriage and my poor sissy had to put her cat to sleep(sniff, sniff). I couldn't do this one justice-I tend to mask grief with an air of humor which would be highly inappropriate in either of these cases.

Another idea to blog about could be tuition woes and how bad credit and not being planful can cause high blood pressure, tears, and aggravation. Seriously though, I'm glad I'm going to the doctor next week because I think my blood pressure feels like it is high, but it might just be an anxiety problem that is causing me to hear the blood rushing inside my head. I received surprise information that I needed to register for a class this summer to avoid having to reapply to the graduate program and thus abide by a new requirement to take an additional dreaded statistics course that was not a requirement at the time I entered the program. And since the reason I even took spring off in the first place, is that the 2 classes I have left to take are only offered in the fall. So, I'm starting on my thesis in order to stay in the program, which was not planned for mentally nor financially in the least. I'm just hoping Sallie Mae will come through by Thursday.

I could blog about the new drug that has entered my home in the form of a satellite dish, receiver, and remote control that offers 185 channels of medicated goo that is now pumped directly into my mindstream. How about the impending swimsuit season and the fact that no bathing suit suits my body type? There was also the breakfast in bed-Apple Jacks and the end piece of a Entenman's raspberry danish-and a beautiful Mother's Day letter where I am proclaimed "the greatest woman in the world". Oh, I almost forgot there was also bra shopping with a 7-well almost 8 year old. What's next the tampon vs. maxi pad conversation?

I guess I kind of blogged about all of these topics to some extent so there's really no need to decide. I just needed to find the time.


Blogger Original Me said...

I am always disappointed when I look and there is no post. So glad to see a post!

Brother in a jazz fusion band, heh!

your faithful reader and favorite sister, lulu

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