Wildflower Seed in the Sand and Wind

My eyes-Help them to Look as well as to See

Location: The Triangle, North Carolina, United States

I try to keep an open heart & open mind.

Monday, November 21, 2005

To Blog or Not to Blog?-That is the Question

Ok, I had something else to post initially, but I decided I wasn't ready to just yet. You see, today would have been my Dad's 64th birthday. And I have this piece that I have been working on in honor of him, and thought that it would make perfect sense to post it. But since today is a rainy, dreary day and because I'm not sure if I'm ready with it, I decided to postpone that post.

So this got me thinking about the burning philosophic question: What is the purpose of my blogging? I only started this blogging thing because my sister inspired me to. Her blog is so awesome that it really got my writing juices flowing again. I always had an affinity for reading and writing. I was the kid in class who the teacher always identified as the "good writer" so I kind of became known as that through school and had plenty of encouragement along the way to continue crafting it. Of course once I started college, I didn't get stroked quite the same. In fact, it kind of wavered my confidence in my skill and talent at writing to have my ENG 101 teacher tear up my assignments(figuratively of course). Nevertheless I ended up majoring in English, so I got lots more practice with writing. I had some really great teachers along the way that really helped. (Thank you Dr. Stern and Writing Shapely Fiction-may you RIP)

However, upon graduation, there weren't many writing jobs out there. I wasn't really interested in journalism. I think of myself more as a creative writer, and since I wasn't quite ready to publish a novel or even a short story for that matter, there weren't many professional options. I kind of put writing on the shelf, at that point. Of course I still have to write for work, tons of reports and memos and correspondence. And I'm enrolled in grad school studying Human Development so I've got lots of opportunity for scientific writing. But writing for the sheer love of language and desire to tell a story in a creative way is not something I've really had an outlet for. So this is where blogging comes in.

Back to my original question-What is the reason that I blog?. I'm sure the reasons other people blog are as varied and diverse as the bloggers themselves.

Most probably do it to communicate with friends and families, but those are frankly kind of boring-unless you're part of that circle. (Although I must admit I have read some of this ilk and they can be funny if the writer is good.)

Others do it because they got lots to say and blogging gives them a forum for that. (Political blogs, etc.)

Maybe some just want to entertain others. (Class clowns.)

And still others want to make sense of the crazy and funny things that a happen and blogging helps with that. (Usually the funny ones)

Some have even made a career out of it, so to speak, with advertising paying their salary. Blaze the trail, you blogger!

I think that I blog for some of those same reasons. I know it's not a responsibility to my readers, because there are probably only 3 of them- and that's counting me. I do think I have important stuff to say and writing has always been the best way of expressing myself.

But quite honestly, blogging really has made me look at life a little differently. Funny things that happen, observations about events and occurrences-these are all fodder for the blog now. Instead of getting frustrated or even disgusted with the things that life throws at you, I can blog about it. Okay, I still might get frustrated and disgusted but at least I can work through it by blogging.

Most importantly, though, it has given me the motivation to write again. I don't do it as much for extrinsic rewards. Sure, if others read it and enjoy it that's great. In fact, I love positive feedback. But I have to selfishly admit that I blog for ME. And there's nothing wrong with that.

So I first thought that the reason I wanted to refrain from my original post is it might be too depressing for readers. Or because I was being hard on myself and thought it too silly. But I think it might be something more than that. Something in myself that still doesn't want to say goodbye to my Dad. And if I post that post it will be confirmation that he is gone and that I still can't comprehend why. I actually still have copies of emails my Dad sent me from years ago. I'm just not ready to delete him from my life.

So I will work up the determination to finish the piece and I will find the courage to hit the PUBLISH POST button one of these days. Then the words in black and white will somehow help me to make sense of it all.

Afterall creating instead of deleting is a much better endeavor.


Blogger Original Me said...

I would LOVE to see what you wrote. When you are ready.

3:18 PM  

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