Wildflower Seed in the Sand and Wind

My eyes-Help them to Look as well as to See

Location: The Triangle, North Carolina, United States

I try to keep an open heart & open mind.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Enlightenment in the Parking Lot at a College Football Game

I think by now that I have mastered the art of football/concert tailgating. This distinction has come after many years of experience and plenty of trial and error. Like for instance, it's always a good idea to bring your own seats. This has become more important as the years have passed and my young adult legs have given way to adult legs which don't like to hold my weight up as much, or it could be the extra weight my legs now have to hold up due to a post-30 year old woman's slowing metabolism. And now that they make those camping chairs that fold up nicely, store so easily in your trunk, and come with their own carrying case that you can just strap on your shoulder. What an ingenious invention!

The camping table is another nice thing to have when tailgating, too. Which brings me to the next necessity. Always bring plenty of food and drink. We have eaten such yummy things like subs (or heros, hoagies, or grinders depending on the geographical region you will be tailgating), fried chicken, and BBQ. Bring plenty of Doritos and pretzels and potato chips,etc. etc., etc....

And finally always bring plenty of beer. Along with that always bring a bottle opener. Sure, you can drink beer out of a can, but I consider this a sacrilige so having a bottle opener available is always an issue for me. Or unless, you're really talented and can open a beer bottle with a cigarette lighter or better yet, with your teeth this might not be too big of an issue either. I can't tell you how many times I have had to pay $4 for 59 center bottle opener at a convenience store. So now I always keep on in my purse, one in my car, and one on my keychain. I got it covered.

The actual logistics of partaking in the consumption of alcoholic beverages and spirits while tailgating in a parking lot can be problematic. Especially, if there are ALE agents prowling around who are on the lookout for underage drinkers and the illegal sale of alcoholic beverages. So this particular possibility has prompted me to remember the all important invention that is essential to successful tailgating involving the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Evidently, this important piece of equipment is not familiar to your average college student attending a southeastern university that is noted for their outstanding academic excellence.

I attended the Florida State/Duke football game this weekend. While heading into the stadium from the parking lot before the game started, my party of football game attendees were stopped by a group of young college boys who had obviously been consuming alcoholic beverages and who were especially impressed with the aforementioned tailgating equipment that we were carrying. It had never occurred to them to utilize this to make their tailgating experience more incognito.

What invention am I referring to, now that you are on the edge of your seat? What could this new craze be that is sure to turn alcoholic beverage consumption at tailgate parties into a much more feasible activity? Well professor, this invention that I'm referring to is the........


The leader of this group of drunk college boys stopped us to compliment us on our choice of transportation for our alcoholic beverages-plastic cups.

Then he turned to his circle of friends and exclaimed: "Why didn't we think of using cups??!!??"

Instead these future leaders of our banks, businesses, and the medical profession were naively drinking their PBR straight out of the can. It had never occurred to them to put their beer in a cup and carry it around that way.

I'd like to think that with age comes wisdom. At least that is what has been promised me...so by God always remember the plastic cups.


Blogger Original Me said...

Yes, plastic cups work well in the car to transport refreshment.

8:34 AM  
Blogger amyd said...

they make very good pee receptacles too, when a port a potty is not available

11:52 AM  

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